Christmas Party Dec 7

Alex H is a great location for our Christmas party, with 38 club members attending. It was going to be 40 but Maria and Robbie could not make it. The size is perfect with smaller intimate tables2013 12 07 Xmas pty JC 05 yet allowing the freedom to move around and talk to everyone. Something, given the noise level everybody seemed to do. It was amazing we were there at least 5 hours and it just seemed to fly by as we caught up with the gossip from friends we had not seen for a long while. Tom announced that his temporary refugee visa had expired and he was being deported by the Canadian Immigration the following week. Estonia refused to accept him so he was being shipped to a penal colony in Australia, poor Aussies. As we left firm promises were made to meet for the head clearing walk at Mount Royal the next day, a promise which was not kept by a few of the gang, shame on them, their names have been noted in the Black Book.

Our thanks goes to Catherine B who did a super job organising the event, we will have to get her to do another one. Sadly her name and Steve’s name have been put in the Black Book. A fine evening.