Mount Royal Dec 8

Report by Keith R
We often forget how beautiful Mount Royal can be even when it is kinda cool and the paths are 2013 12 08 Mt Royal KR 10very icy, although there was a covering of grit. It was really great to see the ice skaters on what is now a very large skating ring and listen to the music, so much so we were tempted to spend all day sat in the café watching them, but we didn’t. No instead our gaggle of walkers, somewhere around 15, and including a runner Monique I, insisted on risking life and limb on icy paths, dodging numerous walkers, runners and crazy cyclists to complete a form of round of the Mount Royal Trails. As always the high lights were the heart attack provoking climb of the steps, some , Vivian H, Rick B did it twice, out of a sense of bravado, whilst the rest of us wandered off to the viewpoint. Indeed we went there twice , the second time because the sun was out and the city was looking very pretty. Common sense never left the group, except to feed the parking meters so we were soon all sat in the café bathed in sun light watching the skaters. A fitting end to the day.