Jan 04 Pot Luck, Jan 05 Gai Luron

Pot Luck
Saturday morning on Mount Royal was cold, still an small group of diehards assembled at Beaver Lake. This group consisted of a few walkers, a snow shoe-er, two skiers , one runner, one ice skater and a partridge in a pear tree. Actually we did not see the skater or the partridge come to that,  but we have her word for that she was there, the skater that is. We spent about 2 hours on the mountain which was filling up fast with skaters, skiers and walkers. BTNSC was put to shame by groups of young kids taking skiing lessons whilst we only had two.  Still everyone had a good time, did I mention it was cold,  before heading off to Monique’s. Monique had once again opened her home for the Club Hot Pot, which was very welcome for 2014 01 04 Pot Luck GK 44the gang from the mountain, and others who just came for the food and chat. This year we had music with Sharon playing the piano for the assembled guests, just like being in the Piano bar at the Savoy. After thanking everyone , messenger boy announced the long awaited venue for Sunday, Gai Luron. In true Montreal style Messenger boy bribed the membership to come out by suggesting a 9 am start instead of eight, an idea that was warmly received. Special thanks to Monique for allowing us to use her home as a warming centre.

Gai Luron
Sunday morning arrived and thank god it was a normal winters day so we joined what was a horde of downhill type folk heading out to take advantage of the day. Fortunately we left the traffic at St Jerome and were soon at Gai Luron. As expected the 9 am bribe worked and we had 2014 01 05 Gai Luron LH 02a good sized group of skiers out, (bean counter note possibly 25) Gai Luron conditions were very good and most of the club members set off with a lot of friendly chatter, like “you can’t catch me” or “what’s taking you so long, slow coach”. Friendly bunch. Still everybody  seemed to have a very good day, even Cheryl managed to crack a smile and whisper it was good skiing. The messenger boy thought he was hearing things and asked her to repeat it. All in all a very good weekend, let’s see what next week brings.