Oka Dec 29

Looked like an icy start to the day with a light freezing drizzle, this was re enforced at 8am by seeing  a car which had just demolished a lamp standard and another car in a snow bank. Stopping at junctions was in itself a challenge, but by 9am the road situation had improved so2013 12 29 Oka KR 07 off we went to Oka.  We were not alone, a good group of skiers had ventured out ( Note to the bean counter, of the order of 16) The group split up doing different trails with a varied degree of success, it would appear conditions were variable with descents a little icy. The skate skiers seemed to have the most success or the classic skiers on the flatter trails. Still everyone was glad to get out, and even gladder to sit in front of the fire in the chalet afterwards.
The word for the day:
“Perfect”: defined by the dictionary as “
having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be
“Perfect” as used by one of our skiers to describe the conditions: having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be, plus icy descents
I wonder what words will be used to describe really good conditions, OMG maybe.