2014 11 23 Snowy Trails at St Adolphe

Six people and one dog showed up, including me and Karen, and five of us hiked. The others who hiked were Steve G, Judy K and David H. There was no precipitation, but it was very overcast and somewhat foggy. We actually saw some blue sky on the drive up, but not during the hike.

The chalet was open so we had to pay, but on the other hand we got washrooms. We started about 10:30 am.

2014 11 23 St Adol  SG 05There were several cm of very wet snow on the ground, which made for slow going and slippery conditions on the hills.  We cut the hike a bit short from the usual 10 km route.  We hiked 7.8 km in just over 2 hr 37 min.  According to my Strava app, we climbed a total of 193 m and burned 615 calories (or at least I did since my weight is in the app).

We all enjoyed the hike, even though there were some wet boots at the end!